For our fifth and final episode of Talkin’ Tropics, Emma Rehn of the Australian Research Council Center of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage joins Yoshi Maezumi and Robert Patalano to discuss her research on paleoenvironments, paleofire, and science communication. Emma’s research specializes in the recovery and analysis of macrocharcoal from sediments. Her research projects incorporate new emerging paleoecological methods to examine the combined influence of human land use and climate change on vegetation and fire in northern Australia. Additionally, Emma is interested in science communication and illustration. Emma received a double-Bachelors in Archaeology and English in 2013, completed an Honors project in Archaeology in 2014, and a PhD from the College of Science and Engineering at James Cook University in 2020. She is currently a postdoc at the Australian Research Council Center of Excellence for Australian Biodiversity and Heritage (CABAH) at James Cook University.
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You can follow Emma on Twitter @BlueRehn and Instagram. A graphic illustration of her work can be found here.