Talkin’ Tropics Episode 4: Pamela Akuku

In our fourth episode of Talkin’ Tropics, Pamela Akuku, PhD student at IPHES, or the Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social (Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution) in Tarragona Spain, and the University of Calgary, Canada, joins  Yoshi Maezumi and Robert Patalano to discuss her research in archaeology, taphonomy, and taxonomy. Pam is a Kenyan archaeologist interested in African Plio-Pleistocene faunal assemblages, mainly at important paleoanthropological sites like Koobi Fora in Kenya and Oldupai Gorge in Tanzania. She received her bachelor of arts in Anthropology from the University of Nairobi and a Masters of Science in Archaeology from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa. Pam is currently a PhD student and member of the Oldupai Gorge Stone Tools, Diet and Sociality project where she is studying faunal assemblages from Oldupai Gorge’s (Tanzania) Beds I-IV, and is is comparing faunal remains from Oldupai with studies from other sites of the same age to make inferences on environmental change, hominin behavioural patterns and site formation processes.

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Pamela researches the taphonomy and taxonomy of Plio-Pleistocene faunal assemblages in Tanzania

You can follow Pamela on Twitter @pamakuku